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Compass-Wise, or getting to know your compass

Compass-Wise, or getting to know your compass

Autor: J. Klinkert
Editorial: Brown, Son and Ferguson
Año de edición: 1.976
Encuadernación: cartoné
192 pág.
14,0 x 22,0 cm.


Professional and amateur seafarers alike who have ever needed to set course and use a compass to steer by, cannot fail to be both informed and entertained by the contents of Compass- Wise.

The sound advice which is given in these pages regarding the use and behaviour of the vessel's foremost instrument of navigation is something few navigators would wish to be without. The sixteen chapters contain innumerable hints and explanations of compass work which reduce much theoretical detail to a simple and attractive way of using the prime instrument to better purpose. At the same time, the reader may learn a lot about that which he formerly took for granted, or just never realised. Reading Compass- Wise is likely to bring profit and pleasure to anyone interested in knowing 'how's she heading'. The author succeeds in provoking the reader's curiosity with each page.



Chapter 1. Do you consider the magnetic compass to be a museum piece?
Chapter 2. Error east - Compass least
Chapter 3. The magic five degrees
Chapter 4. The fear of the binnacle - Can it be overcome?
Chapter 5. The last fears removed - Confidence in the compass restored
Chapter 6. The separation of B in practice
Chapter 7. The deviation journal - Some rethinking
Chapter 8. Deviations which do no exist
Chapter 9. Mysterious, unpredictable and unwanted deviation
Chapter 10. Magnetic correctors - Effects and interactions in practice
Chapter 11. The multi-purpose sphere corrector
Chapter 12. The conditions for no deviation - The ship´s multiplier and the navigator
Chapter 13. 1872-1972: a century of compass work at the examinations
Chapter 14. The father of the gyro compass
Chapter 15. The correction of speed error - Variations on a theme
Chapter 16. How´s she heading?


Precio: 16,00 €, I.V.A. incluido (4%)

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